If I am feeling mentally unwell, then does this mean that I am MAD?

NO. Being mentally unwell DOES NOT MEAN that someone is mad!!!


Do I need to see a Counsellor or a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist?

If you think that you may be mentally unwell, then it would be helpful to start by seeing a Psychiatrist for a detailed assessment.


If I see a Psychiatrist, does this mean that I will be given injections or Electric Shocks?

No, not at all. Psychiatrist will do a detailed assessment and then advise a treatment.


Child Mental and Emotional
Health (Child Psychiatry)

Happy Child Means
Happy Family!

Teenage Mental and Emotional
Health (Adolescent Psychiatry)

Emotionally Stable Teenager Means Happy Community!

Adult Mental and Emotional
Health (Adult Psychiatry)

Emotionally Resilient Adult Means Happy World!


Dr. Jinesh Shah Consultant Child, Adult & Family Psychiatrist

MRCPsych (UK),
Dip Clinical Psychiatry (UK),
CCT in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (UK),
CCT in General Adult Psychiatry (UK),
Cert. Hypnotherapy (UK).

Dr Jinesh Shah is a Consultant Psychiatrist, who has done double super-specialization in both Child Psychiatry and also in Adult Psychiatry.

He is a medical doctor who qualified as a doctor in Kolkata, India. He then gave licensing examinations of both USA and UK and successfully obtained license to practice in both these countries. He was in UK for nearly 17 years before moving to Ahmedabad, India to set up Mental and Emotional Health Services for Children, Teenagers and Adults here in Ahmedabad.


No Health Without
Mental Health


Dr. Jinesh Shah provides a CONFIDENTIAL service, which will LISTEN TO YOU, and which will be SPECIFIC TO YOUR NEEDS AND PREFERENCES.

Dr. Jinesh Shah provides full range of assessment and treatment for mental health and behavioural disorders affecting children, teenagers, adults and families.

For arranging appointments or any other queries,
please directly contact Dr. Jinesh Shah