About Doctor


Dr. Jinesh Shah Consultant Child, Adult & Family Psychiatrist

  • MBBS,
  • MRCPsych (UK),
  • Dip Clinical Psychiatry (UK),
  • CCT in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (UK),
  • CCT in General Adult Psychiatry (UK),
  • Cert. Hypnotherapy (UK).

Dr Jinesh Shah is a Consultant Psychiatrist, who has done double super-specialization in both Child Psychiatry and also in Adult Psychiatry.

He is a medical doctor who qualified as a doctor in Kolkata, India. He then gave licensing examinations of both USA and UK and successfully obtained license to practice in both these countries. He briefly worked in USA and chose to settle down in UK. He first did specialization in Psychiatry in UK by doing MRCPsych which stands for Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK). He then further proceeded to do super-specialization in Children and Adolescent Psychiatry (CCT in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry). Following this, he also did super-specialization in Adult Psychiatry (CCT in General Adult Psychiatry).

He was working as Consultant Psychiatrist in London, Hertfordshire, Slough and Isle of Wight. He was in UK for nearly 17 years before moving to Ahmedabad, India to set up Mental and Emotional Health Services for Children, Teenagers and Adults here in Ahmedabad.

Dr Jinesh Shah believes in the model of Lifespan care for Mental and Emotional Health, rather than in fragmented divided services for teenagers and adults separately. Like our life flows without any borders, so does our emotional health. Our emotional health does not suddenly become different the day we turn 18 in age. In today’s age and times, the boundary between a young person and adult is becoming blurred. A Psychiatrist should be able to follow through the journey of the person without the need to change the doctor. With this belief and vision, Dr Jinesh Shah did super-specialization in both Child Psychiatry and Adult Psychiatry.

Dr Jinesh Shah also believes in providing a confidential service which will listen to you. He believes in making a collaborative treatment plan which involves the views of the patients and their families. You are the best person to know what you need and what you prefer. This must be considered when planning treatment.

Dr Jinesh Shah believes in community model of treatment, because he thinks that the best place to recover is within your familiar surroundings with people who know you the best.

Dr Jinesh Shah believes in judicious, appropriate and minimal use of medicine. Medicines should be used in least possible doses and numbers.

Also, Dr Jinesh Shah firmly believes in “NO HEALTH WITHOUT MENTAL HEALTH”. The awareness about Mental and Emotional Health needs to be raised within our communities, within our schools, within our workplace and everywhere. There is a huge gap in meeting our Mental and Emotional Health needs. And this gap is even bigger when it comes to children and young peoples’ needs. Dr Jinesh Shah’s move to Ahmedabad, India is with a vision to help in meeting this unmet need and to raise awareness.

For arranging appointments or any other queries,
please directly contact Dr. Jinesh Shah